Pathways from bio-marine discovery to markets in health, nutrition, agriculture, aquaculture, and biomaterials.
Barrow C, Richard Williams, et al
Pathways from bio-marine discovery to markets in health, nutrition, agriculture, aquaculture, and biomaterials.
Barrow C, Richard Williams, et al
Investigating novel neurobiological mechanisms in rabies infection
Dr Vinod Sundaramoorthy
Mental Health Australia General Clinical Trial Network (MAGNET)
Michael Berk, Rossell S, Fitzgerald P, O’Neil A, Alyna Turner, Rodgers A, Mihalopoulos C, Ng C, Galletly C, Davey C, Harris A, Pantelis C, Loo C, Lubman D, Siskind D, Forbes D, Meyer D, Jacka F, Kay-Lambkin F, Malhi G, Murray G, Christensen H, Kulkarni J, Sarris J, Lagopoulos J, McGrath J, Hoy K, Mills K, Nelson M, O’Donnell M, Gunn J, Millard M, Kyrios M, Yücel M, Glozier N, Martin N, Olivia Dean, Almeida O, Batterham P, McKetin R, Bryant R, Osborne R, Harvey S, Hood S, Touyz S, Sundram S, Apostolopoulos V, Zoungas S, Venkatesh S, Samantha Russell.
A Phase III randomised placebo-controlled trial of mirtazapine as a pharmacotherapy for methamphetamine (“Ice”) dependence
CIA – Associate Professor Rebecca McKetin
CIB – Professor Michael Farrell
CIC – Professor Louisa Degenhardt
CID – Professor Michael Berk
CIE – Associate Professor Olivia Dean
CIF – Professor Gregory Dore
CIG – Professor Steven Shoptaw
CIH – Associate Professor Peter Kelly
CII – Dr Alyna Turner
CIJ – Dr Philip Clare
Aptamer-based precision personalized medicine
Duan W, et al
Safer medicines To reduce falls and fractures for OsteoPorosis (#STOP)
Moles R, Carter S, Ebeling P, Center J, Kelly A, Perry L, White C, Duque G, Naylor J, Gibson K, Hassett G, Major G, Yates C, Jennings M, Ly J, Bolton P, Tran T, Si L, Bluic D, Frost S, Basger B, Luckie K, Barnett S, Mark Kotowicz.
Nutritional Psychiatry: extending the evidence and ensuring translation
Prof Felice Jacka
The sySTEMs initiative : systems biology-augmented, stem cell-derived, multi-tissue panel for rapid screening of approved drugs as potential COVID-19 treatment
Vasan S, Godde N, O’Brien C, Singanallur N, Beale D, Eugene Athan, Blasdell K, Chandra R, Wilson L, Kumar A.
Translating lifestyle-based mental health care into practice
Adrienne O’Neil
Reverse or Anatomical (replacement) for Painful Shoulder Osteoarthritis: Differences between Interventions -Aus
Richard Page, Stephen Gill, Brown G, Eng K.
A clinical trial of trimetazidine for bipolar depression in Spain and India.
Ken Walder, Michael Berk, Chiara Bortolasci, Bruna Panizzutti Parry, Zoe Liu, Jee Kim, Olivia Dean
A randomised controlled trial of N-acetylcysteine for the treatment of alcohol use disorder
Michael Berk
Autologous constructs for muscle engineering and repair
Dr Richard Williams
Validating CaMKK2 as a Rational Treatment Target for Bipolar Disorder
Michael Berk
Nutritional Psychiatry: Investigation and translation of personalised nutritional therapies for depression
Wolfgang Marx
Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT) for inflammatory bowel disease
Mikocka-Walus A, Lisa Olive, Evans S, Fuller-Tyszkiewicz M, Simon Knowles, Eric O, Gibson P, Raven L
HeSANDA Mental Health node
Alison Yung
Paediatric Research Project
Vuillermin P
Long term physical and psychological consequences of Covid-19 infection. A Comparitive Observational Study in Regional Victoria.
Athan E, Vuillermin P, Stambas J, Ward A, Berk M, Pasco J Barry A, Alexandersen S
Development of aptamer to haptoglobin
Wei Duan
The Pregnancy Research and Translation Ecosystem (PRT-E) Project
Peter Vuillermin
Developing aptamers as biosensors for large-scale screening to rapidly identify people at risk of dementia. Invitation to contribute to a Nature Reviews Methods paper – international collaboration
Sarah Shigdar
Three year formal review of the implementation of the National Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Strategic Action Plan 2018-2028
Craig JM
Integrating molecular surveillance into the malaria control program in Papua New Guinea
Laman M, Alyssa E Barry
Addressing the physical activity deficit in pre-school girls
Telford R, Telford R, Lisa Olive
Microbiomes, cognition and nutrition in a longitudinal twin cohort
Craig JM, Loughman A, Stephenson G, Silk T
Resuming employment after stroke: Enhancement through telecoordination – RESET Rural Expansion
Dr Alyna Turner, A/Prof Olivia Dean, Kennedy A, Smith H, Kneebone I, Clissold B, Baker S, Dr Mohammadreza Mohebbi, Gao L, Stolwyn R
Orthopaedic Research Fellowship
Richard Page
Developing sensitive methods for detection and quantification of genomic and subgenomic RNA targets and markers of inflammation to explain persistent/ intermittent RNA detection and to distinguish acute from late infection of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2).
Soren Alexandersen
Evidence gaps advice on loneliness, social isolation and chronic conditions
Brennan-Olsen S, White V, Crips B, Bowe S, Adrienne O’Neil, Lana Williams, Engel L, Owen P, Dunn M, McKay F, Lucas J, Horwood S, Beard F.
Testing bacterial attachment of novel silk ear drum
Athan E
Clinical biomarker shoulder study: transcriptomic differences between osteoarthritis of the shoulder, capsulitis and rotator cuff tears
Richard Page, Stephen Gill, Sean McGee
ACEM Decision Aid
Williams LJ, Quirk SE, Kavanagh BE
ACEM Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Mental Health activity creation
Lana J Williams, Shae E Quirk, Bianca E Kavanagh
Novel plasma-polymerized bioactive surfaces for the production and clinical application of pluripotent stem cells
Prof Mark Guthridge, Greene, Prof Leigh Ackland
Centre of Research Excellence – Infectious Disease Emergency Response
Lewin, Sorrell, McVernon, Webb, Kaldor, Andrews, Cheng, Gilbert, Smith, Prof Soren Alexandersen
Solving the long-standing evidence-practice gap associated with cardiac rehabilitation and secondary prevention of coronary heart disease (SOLVE-CHD)
Redfern J, Briffa T, Gallagher R, Jennings G, Bauman A, Wood D, Ratcliffe J, Brieger D, A/Prof Adrienne O’Neil
Multidisciplinary catalyst to discover and progress novel antimalarial drugs
Prof Susan Charman, Prof Tania De Koning-Ward, Dr Paul Gilson
ARC Training Centre for Innovative BioEngineering
Zreiqat H, Suaning G, Feng D, Berndt C, Li Q, Dunstan C, Kim J, McEwan A, Chandrawati R, Li JJ, Kumar A, Fulham M, Al Muderis M, Rutkove S, Smith W, Kappelt G, Sadeghpour M, Lu W, Dr Richard Williams, Nisbet D, Ivanova E.
A randomised controlled trial, of N-Acetyl Cysteine, for premanifest Huntingtin gene expansion carriers (NAC-preHD)
Prof Michael Berk
Stronger Surveillance and Systems Support for Rapid Identification and Containment of Resurgent or Resistant Vector Borne Pathogens in Papua New Guinea
Robinson L, Laman M, Mueller I, Lavu E, John L, Karl S, Morgan C, A/Prof Alyssa Barry, Fowkes F, Beebe N
Controlling Buruli ulcer
Prof Eugene Athan, O’Brien D, Stinnear T.
Australian Early Psychosis Collaborative Consortium (AEPCC). Clinical Registry (CR) & Clinical Trial & Translation Network
Prof Michael Berk
The Candesartan Adjunctive bipolar DEpression Trial – CADET
Suppes T, Prof Michael Berk
Does repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), compared to sham rTMS, improve social communication in adolescents and young adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
Peter Enticott, Paul Fitzgerald, Karen Barlow, Ian Hickie, Melissa Licari, Nigel Rogasch, Christel Middeldorp, Scott Clark, Ann-Maree Vallence, Kelsie Boulton, Prof Jeffrey Craig (AI)
Bone loss prevention with zoledronic acid or denosumab in postmenopausal critically ill women trial (Bone Zone Trial)
Prof Neil Orford, Center JR, Nair PA, Bellomo R, Hodgson C, Prof Mark Kotowicz, Prof Julie Pasco, Bailey M
Stopping Buruli ulcer in Victoria
Stinear T, Gibney K, Johnson P, Hoffmann A, O’Brien D, Lynch S, Crouch S, Prof Eugene Athan, Meredith A, Golding N
Prevention of wheeze-associated hospitalisation in pre-schoolers with the immunomodulatory OM85 a multi-centre, randomised, double-blind, placebo controlled trial
Prof Peter Vuillermin
Randomised controlled trial of the RECOVER tailored psychological intervention for the first episode bipolar disorder
Prof Michael Berk (AI)
The Candesartan Adjunctive Major Depression Trial – CADET: A double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial
Prof Michael Berk, Malhi G, Ng C, Hopwood M, Fernandes B, Gwini S, Amerena J, Chatterton M-L, Williams L
Quantifying the role of epigenetic factors in neurocognitive outcomes: a twin study
Prof Jeffrey Craig, Seal M, Silk T, Burnet A, Theda C, Scurrah K
The efficacy of adjunctive garcinia manogstana linn. Pericarp for bipolar depression: a 25-week double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial
A/Prof Olivia Dean, Prof Michael Berk. Ng C, A/Prof Seetal Dodd, Hopwood M, Dr Alyna Turner, Prof Felice Jacka
A longitudinal population-based study of the development of cardiovascular risk in early childhood
David Burgner, Richard Saffery, Markus Juonala, Anne-Louise Ponsonby, Deborah Lawlor, Mihai Netea, Fiona Collier, Professor Peter Vuillermin (AI)
Understanding the interplay between mental disorders, treatment regimens and physical disease
A/Prof Lana Williams
Quinlink: Accessible smoking cessation support for people living with severe and enduring mental illness
Baker A, Borland R, Bonevski B, Castle D, Williams J, Segan C, Kelly P, Dr Alyna Turner, Brophy L, Sweeney R
The genetic detyerminants of antigenic escape in malaria parasites
A/Prof Alyssa Barry, Harrison S, Tsuboi T
The pubertal onset of mental disorders and early substance abuse
Prof Felice Jacka (AI)
Using omics to unravel the pathophysiology and repurpose drugs to treat ME/CFS
Prof Ken Walder, Prof Michael Berk, Dr Chiara Bortolasci, Prof Sean Mcgee, Bruce C, Dr Wolf Marx
A randomised placebo-controlled trial of combined mitochondrial agents for the treatment of fatigue and depression in multiple sclerosis with an assessment of the impact on kynurenine pathway metabolomics
Ponsonby A-L, Lucas R, Taylor B, van der Mel I, Prof Felice Jacka, Dr Brisa Fernandes, Broadley S, Lechner SJ, Vukcevic D, Christodoulou J, Mason D, Butzkueven H, Prof Michael Berk (AI)
For research linking the human gut microbiome to mental and brain health
Prof Felice Jacka
Maternal carriage of Prevotella during pregnancy influences offspring innate immune responses and asthma at age 7
Prof Peter Vuillermin, Macia L, Sly P, Mackey C, Ranganathan S, Collier F
Novel therapies for psychiatric disorders
Prof Michael Berk
Evaluating the effectiveness of lifestyle therapy versus standard psychotherapy for reducing depression in adults with COVID-19 related distress: The CALM trial
A/Prof Adrienne O’Neil, Prof Felice Jacka, Speight J, Yucel M, Versace V, Rosenbaum S, Teychenne M, Lagopoulos J, Absetz P, Chatterton ML, Prof Michael Berk
Role of plasmepsin V and PTEX complex in Plasmodium liver infection
Boddey J, Prof Tania de Koning-Ward, Rogers K, Kneteman N
Defining Host and Parasite Mechanisms that Drive Asymptomatic Malaria
A/Prof Alyssa Barry, Robinson L, Tsuboi T, Kazura J
Investigating early life exposures to plastic products in Australia and subsequent neurodevelopmental effects
Ponsonby A-L, Dewey D, Mueller J, Prof Peter Vuillermin (AI)
Outcome prediction, stratification and novel treatments in individuals at Ultra High Risk of psychosis
Prof Alison Yung
Role of protein kinase D in adoposity and body weight
Prof Sean McGee, Prof Zane Andrews
Deciphering the molecular constituents, assembly and structure of the Plasmodium new permeability pathways
Prof Tania de Koning-Ward, Martin R, Modak J
Establishing a blood-based biomarker panel for pre-clinical Alzheimer’s disease
Dr Veer Gupta
Pharmacological modulation of the relaxin-3/RXFP3 neuropeptide system for controlling feeding
Rosengren KJ, Gundlach A, Bathgate R, Prof Sean McGee (AI), Dr Craig Smith
ICEMR-Mali: Multidisciplinary research for malaria control and prevention in West Africa
Seydou D et al. and A/Prof Alyssa Barry
Infection of malaria parasites with their host
Prof Tania de Koning-Ward
Biomaterials reprogramming reactive astrocytes into functional neurons
Dr Richard Williams, Parish C, Nisbet D, Harvey A
Functional resolution of PTEX, the exporter of virulence factors in malaria parasites
Crabb BS, T Beddoe, Prof Tania Koning-Ward, PR Gilson
The PEPL approach to development early physical literacy through PE and sport. A state based rollout model
Telford RD, Telford R, Dr Lisa Olive
Neuropathogenesis of viral infections
Prof Alister Ward
Screening for primary aldosteronism: Outcomes, Economics and Biomarkers
Yang J, Stowasser M, Russel G, Stella May Gwini
The long-term physical and psychological consequences of COVID-19 infection: a comparative observational study in Regional Victoria
Prof Eugene Athan, Dr Darcie Cooper, Prof Peter Vuillermin
Protecting the mental health of small-medium enterprise owners: evaluating real-world approaches to mental health first aid and client-relationship building training for small business advisers
Noblet A, Tanewski G, Prof Michael Berk, Walker A, LaMontagne A, Reavley N
Antipsychotics and Osteoporosis: Mechanisms and Clinical Consequences
A/Prof Lana Williams, Prof Julie Pasco, Dr Jason Hodge, Dr Y Gibert, Dr V Laudet
Using stem cells and oxygen vectors to enhance graft integration in Parkinson’s Disease
Dr Richard Williams
Improving the mental health of Australians following heart attack
A/Prof Adrienne O’Neil
The role of extracellular matrix enzymes in influenza virus infection
Prof John Stambas, A/Prof R Tripp, Dr S Apte
DNA Methylation Biomarkers of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure: Informing FASD diagnosis
Martino D, Symons M, Lister R et al, Prof Jeffrey Craig
Integrated exploration of novel therapies for depression
A/Prof Olivia Dean
Lifestyle strategies for the prevention of common mental disorders: A community based systems approach
Dr Erin Hoare
Psychaitric disorders, psychotropic agents and bone health: From bench top to bedside
A/Prof Lana Williams
A randomised controlled trial of A2 vs conventional dairy in Australian women
Prof Felice Jacka
Multifunctional and environmentally friendly corrosion inhibitor systems
Forsyth M, Somers A, Prof Leigh Ackland, Suarez, LM Terryn H
Smart aptamer-guided nanoexosome as a novel biotechnology platform
Dr Phuong Tran
Identifying novel lipid and genetic signatures of Metabolic disease in early childhood
Peter Meikle, Neerja Kamani, David Burgner, Markus Wenk, Bronwyn Kingwell, Gerard Wong, Richard Saffery, Anne-Louise Ponsonby, Prof Peter Vuillermin, Sendhil Velan
Cardiometabolic disease prevention and early intervention: identifying pathways to better health
Dr Lisa Olive
Using social media data to identify markers of depression risk among individuals: A longitudinal cohort study
O’Dea B, Larsen M, Venkatesh S Phung D, Glozier N, Prof Michael Berk
Genomic diversity, tolerance and ecology of wildlife disease
Bennett A, Prof Soren Alexandersen, Berg M, Edwards S
Improved detection of neuroendocrine cancers
Prof ML Ackland, Michalczyk, A, Callahan, D, Khasraw M
Gender Equality in Australia: impact on social, economic and health outcomes
Milner A, Kavanagh A, Hewitt B, Bentley R, A/Prof Adrienne O’Neil, King T, Sojo V
Manipulating the maternal and infant microbiome to prevent immune related disease
Prof Peter Vuillermin
SJOG Orthopaedic Research Fellowship
Prof Richard Page
A comprehensive assessment of impact microindentation for identifying high-risk osteoporosis individuals in a population-based setting
Prof Julie Pasco, Prof Mark Kotowicz, Dr Kara Kew, Prof Richard Page
Transcriptional effectors of oncogenic ERK signalling in colorectal cancer
A/Prof Amardeep Dhillon, Mariadason JM, Tebbutt N
Stronger Surveillance and Systems Support for Rapid Identification and Containment of Resurgent or Resistant Vector Borne Pathogens in Papua New Guinea
Robinson L, Laman M, Mueller I, Lavu E, John L, Karl S, Morgan C, A/Prof Alyssa Barry, Fowkes F, Beebe N
Reducing gastrointestinal symptoms in patients with depression or anxiety. Is diet therapy feasible and efficacious?
Dr Heidi Staudacher
Examining colour usage in next generation displays when using Laser Eye Protection- maximising visual attention capacity and reducing cognitive burden
Dr Amanda Douglass, Hammond D, Nahavandi S, Hossny M, Iskander J, Prof James Armitage
Implementation and efficacy of the South Australia PEPL approach for improving youth physical literacy
Telford R, Telford RD, Dr Lisa Olive
Healthy Parents Healthy Kids: Development of a dietary educational program for pregnant women
Prof Felice Jacka, A/Prof Adrienne O’Neil, Dr Heidi Staudacher
A novel approach to modifying the risk of Alzheimer’s Disease: the gut microbiome
Dr Amy Loughman
Dr Wolfgang Marx
Developing an RNA based Delivery vehicle
Dr Richard Williams
Prof Jeffrey Craig
Enabling repair and regeneration after neonatal stroke
Walker D, Dr Richard Williams, Tolcos M, Rank, M
Gestational diabetes and offspring bone health in childhood
Dr Natalie Hyde, Prof Julie Pasco, Prof Peter Vuillermin, Prof Richard Page
Early cancer detection and treatment. Joint laboratory, established through a collaboration between Deakin University and Suzhou GenePharma
Prof Wei Duan
A novel approach to target beta-cells to enhance survival and function
Dr Kathryn Aston-Mourney, Dr Sarah Shigdar
Cognitive ageing and the interplay between biological, psychological and environmental factors
Ms Kayla Corney
Implementation and efficacy of the PEPL approach for improving youth physical literacy
Telford R, Telford RD, Dr Lisa Olive
Faculty of Health Mid-Career Researcher Fellowship
Olivia Dean
Career Continuity for Researchers who are primary carers
Dr Amy Loughman
Depression Assist
Dr Lesley Berk, Prof Michael Berk
Injury profiles of female Australian Rules Football players: a survey of Geelong and South-Western Victoria (AFLW Injury Study)
Prof Richard Page, Dr Stephen Gill
Understanding the basis of the association between maternal carriage of Prevotella during pregnancy and protection against food allergy in the baby
Prof Peter Vuillermin
Investigate changes in gene expression profiles in patients with rotator cuff tears (RCT) compared to those with non-degenerate shoulder conditions
Prof Richard Page
Development of a culture system that simulates the gut microbiome for identifying effective novel antimicrobials
Dr Meagan Craven
How the ‘rats of the sky’ could help keep chickens healthy
Dr Meagan Craven
Fellowship top up
Dr Wolfgang Marx
Nutritional Psychiatry: Education & Training
Prof Felice Jacka