Inflammation is the buzzword of the moment in health, as more diseases are being linked to it, from depression to Alzheimer’s to heart disease.
So, what’s driving our natural immune response into overdrive and making us ill? There are plenty of causes, and they’re all around us, from the processed food we eat to the polluted air we breathe.
Professor Michael Berk, Director of IMPACT and Dr Sophia Davidson, inflammation researcher and specialist at WEHI sat down with Hilary Harper and Beverley Wang from ABC’s Radio National Life Matters to talk about the research.
We look at how culture, lifestyle, inflammation and disease are linked, and what we can do to reclaim our health.
“We increasingly understand inflammation as being the body’s response to a diversity of stressors, not just bugs. So, ultra-processed foods, physical inactivity, not enough Vitamin D, insomnia, trauma, stress, abuse…”
– Professor Michael Berk
Listen to the episode ‘Inflammation: how modern life is making us sick’ of Life Matters on ABC Radio National here.